Forum Discussion

swift6122's avatar
Aug 04, 2013

Small Canoe

We are on the road about 5 months a year and to conserve dollars we stay at COE/NFS campgrounds about half the time. This means we are usually on a lake or reservoir. I feel we are missing half the enjoyment of the water without a small boat or canoe.
I would like to attach a 10 canoe to the rear latter on our 40 ft motorhome (Fleetwood Providence). Anyone know of a canoe of 10/11 ft that will take to people?
Thus far this trip we have been on five lakes with more to come. Really don't want to mess with a blowup
  • As I've seen and my experience... you can put a YATCH on top or in the rear... and even an aluminum little boat, the most important is that YOU can ALONE (strictly by yourself) lift to hook, or unhook such a boat. the capacity of any boat you buy is YOUR ability to handle such a boat...

    It happened to me, I had a big scooter attached to a rail in the rear... I could NOT lower the bike without help!, so it was impractical.

    also get a small outboard motor!!!
  • I have a 12 foot squqre back alum.canoe. I beleve it is made by Michicraft. It is light weight and can be powered nicely by an electric trowling motor.
  • The OP asked about canoes. There are a lot of good inflatable kayaks. I have an Advanced Elements that is a tandem. lizzie
  • A 10' canoe is short and stubby, like a little bathtub. Any wind or wave action would make it very unstable for two people. We carry my 12' solo canoe on our roof rack but we also have a tandem inflatable Grabner canoe for the two of us. Look it up on the internet. lizzie
  • Delux inflatable:
  • I know you said you didn't want to mess with a blow up, but have you looked at the inflatable pontoon boats? We bought two inflatable pontoon boats that are designed for one person each. We can easily assemble them and take them down as need be. They store right inside the rig so we're not hanging things off of ladders, etc. The DW and I used them for a week long fishing trip last month, and they were perfect. We could store our gear on the back rack, and once we got to where we wanted to fish, we tied them together. She had some difficulty rowing hers, so I bought her a trolling motor to make it easier.
  • I've seen 2 different sets of brackets that mount to RV's one was a roof mount (I seen on a RV in Utah last year) the other they were mounted to the rear of the coach (I seen in Arizona last year). I don't know if the were home made or bought at Camping World? I didn't get to talk to any of these RVers, but it can be done I seen it. And I seen them mounted on roofs of cars be towed by a RV. Good Luck.