Forum Discussion

TechWriter's avatar
Sep 10, 2021

Small Class A vs Large Class C

We started RVing with a 34-foot Sea Breeze gasser in 2004, then upgraded to a 40-foot Newmar Class A DP in 2010 but sold it this year because it was just too big. We still want an RV, but this time around we thought we'd look at used, smaller Class Cs.

However, we wanted a rear island bed which is almost all cases we've found means 30 feet & greater. BTW, our budget is only about $35k and while RVs in that price range are few and few between, we've found that they are out there.

Anyway, after looking at a number of Class Cs that we initially liked, we're finding them sorely lacking when we compare them to similar sized Class As.

For example, I found a 32-foot Class A that had an island bedroom, 2 ACs (rare in Class Cs), levelers (also rare in Class Cs), and plenty of storage & carrying capacity.

Am I missing something?
  • Hi TechWriter,

    A small class A may be a heck of a lot nicer to drive than a 34 foot class C.

    Mine is 28'5" and does have an island bed. I have no slides.

    There is the kiss principle. The less tech, the less to fail?
  • I think you'd have a hard time going from ANY size Class A to ANY size Class C.

    Having owned both, bear in mind the Class A cockpit becomes part of the living area -- not so in Class C's.

    Also the tiny windshield with the cabover portion of the Class C hanging over it doesn't hold a candle to the panoramic windshields of Class A's.

    Lastly, the jammed-up foot room of a Class C cockpit doesn't begin to compare to the foot room of a Class A.

    There . . . and that's just the cockpit. You mentioned other things as well (dual vs. single AC, levelers vs. no levelers, etc.)

    I know you'll make the right decision based on your needs & likes, but I kind of see the way you're leaning.

    Happy travels!
  • sounds as if the A's are what you are wanting. Most c's will not an island bed unless you get one in a slide. Also most c's lack big storage areas. We have a 28 ft winnebago, has a bed in slide for walk around (very tight on rear side, not a lot of storage space but adequate for what we have to carry.

    A's to me are too big for us. When we were looking the dealers pushed the small A's but I drove a school bus of various sizes and any A to me would not necessarily be fun to drive in most areas. Yes ok in rural areas but thats about it IMO. too much tail swing to worry about is main thing. Many rv parks have narrow roads and that is another thing in itself. The smaller c is like driving a van but still has its share of issues.

    So I would recommend a smaller A since that appears to be what you desire, ones in your price range out here are 15-20 years old or so. My BIL bought a 01 winnebago Adventurer DP just found out it has the cummins with the weak and cracked block and has had fuel issues which required new fuel pump. We suspect that is why he was able to get it cheap! He is also having AC issues with rear unit so no matter just get what fits your needs and happy hunting.