Forum Discussion

Calisdad's avatar
Jan 30, 2014

Soft Brake pedal

The what- 1994 E350 7.5L RV

On our last trip I noticed the brakes were a bit spongy. Didn't happen overnight just getting to the point where it's time to do something.

I pull the rear wheels and drums and notice the cylinders are leaking. Put on new cylinders and shoes and bleed the system, back to front.

With the engine off I can get a fairly firm pedal. Once I start the engine the pedal goes to the floor. Still have good pedal with the key on but the engine not started.

Also the ABS light has been on since last brake job 2 years ago. I don't see a bleeder on the ABS unit. Any idea where it is? Also where is the ABS sensor?

Master cylinder, booster or ABS gremlins?

  • Could be a bad master cylinder, but could just need bled again. Have a pro bleed the ABS, don't try it yourself. ABS light on indicates problem with that system, but brakes will still work, maybe a wheel speed sensor. Do you have a vacuum or hydraulic booster? If you have to add power steering fluid a lot, look to hydraboost problems or leaking power steering hose/hoses.