WILDEBILL308 wrote:
Scott I think the best/easiest thing for you is to run that line so you don't have to crawl under the coach to add air. My coach doesn't have a nice warm garage to sleep in. I know you are aware of the recommendation that if you start a coach it should be driven for about 25 miles to get everything up to temperature. Otherwise it is better to not start one. Have you thought about running a exhaust vent to pull the exhaust out of the garage when you start it?
X2,I was just going to make the same suggestion. Besides on most of the school buses I drive,the E brake doesn't pop till it's below 65 #s. We are required to do a tap test EVERY time a bus is used the first time that day and as I'm a substitute driver,ten + years as a regular before retiring the second time and now 5 more as a sub after being begged to come back,I will do the test even if it's been used that day by another driver. I usually do it every day in the motorhome when I'm on the road and boy,do I get some funny looks from other owners sometimes..