Forum Discussion

Mile_High's avatar
May 20, 2016

Stay in Play SMI

I have a Stay in Play braking system on my Jeep that activates on brake lights and inertia. I just noticed our new to us MH activates brake lights with the exhaust brake, which I use a lot.

Think I'll be causing excessive wear on the Jeep brakes? It seems like down a mountain pass, that auxiliary brake will be on all the way down.
  • I have a vintage 2005 Stay N Play, wireless. Have 40K on my current coach, no problems. Mine is wired to my brake switch, as on my previous gas coach. I haven't noticed my system being activated when exhaust brake kicks in.

    I have over 110,000 miles on my unit, and never had a problem with it. I like the ability to activate toad brakes manually, and the system also has a latch mode, which takes the inertia component out of the equation, activating the toad brakes whenever I use coach brakes.
  • Ideally, sell it or trade it to SMI for the Air Force One if you have air brakes. They will give you a trade in value for your Stay N Play. If you don't go that route, you have to adjust it way down, so basically it will only come on in heavy braking. You don't want the tow brakes coming up as you're using the exhaust brake descending a 10 mile long grade. You might talk to SMI and see what they say too, they've always been very helpful with me. By the way, I had an old Stay N Play that I had on a gas rig but upgraded to the Air Force One now that I have a DP. Seems to work great, I'm glad I made the switch.
  • If it is wired correctly on your four wire it shouldn't activate on exhaust brake light. Also behind your sensibility adjustment. That is where your inertia braking comes from.
  • You can adjust the stay and play for less sensitivity, I have mine set very light as toad is only #3500.