Forum Discussion

joe0508's avatar
Apr 29, 2013

steer safe

I finally got everything put together with my steer safe stabilizer.There not enogh tension on the srings and i was thinking maybe i couldget some loger eye bolts to get the tension that will give me the right feel to the wheel.It has better returnabitiy but lacks on fatigue.fixing Constant correction is what i am going for and the only improvement i see so far is better returnability and that not much.I had all front end components checked and 3 alignments.I wont to get your opinions on the longer eye bolt theory.
  • Sounds like it is NOT installed correctly. Remove it and start over. Follow the instructions explicitly. Did you get the correct replacement spring(s) when they popped off before?
  • Click HERE then Helpfull links then all the way down on the page click steer safe install to see install directions. All P chassis part number is NC-800-97UD. I measure from inside of rim to grease fitting on A frame to center wheels.
  • I installed the Steer Safe on one coach that I had. When installing it, you loosen the "eye" bolts as much as possible, and then pull the assembly as far form the wheel as possible. This puts some tension on the springs when you tighten the brackets. After the bracket is tightened, you then can tighten the "eye" bolts to put further tension on the springs.
    Prior to installing the SteerSafe, I drove down the highway and put a mark on the steering wheel that showed where the wheel was pointed when going straight.
    Once I got the SteerSafe installed, I used my levelers to lift the front end off of the ground. The wheel immediately swung to close to center. I then adjusted the SteerSafe springs to where the mark on my steering wheel lined up with my previous "center" mark. That was the one and only adjustment I made to my SteerSafe and during the few years, and thousands of miles that I used it, I never needed to make another adjustment.
    It is a good product and will definitely improve your comfort while going down the highway. You will not have to fight the steering wheel to keep things centered when it is adjusted right.
  • Hi All.

    Are you sure you have everything lined up correctly on your "Steer-Safe", Joe, I don't mean you any disrespect, but there have been a couple of times here on this Fourm, that the installer (Owner) really didn't do the install correctly.

    I did our install of our "Steer-Safe", and its the differance betweeen night and day. As soon as I finished, I took it straight down and have the Front End Aligment done correctly. Also, I know that we don't have any Front End Parts, that are worn or lose. We even just had all new tires installed also.

    I also replaced the OEM "Steering Stabilizer Shock", and all the rest of the OEM Shocks while I was at it. Our Motorhome is now a pleasure to drive, and no more worries about "Wondering" or "Passing Semis". Ours Steers and Handles very easily with just one hand now. That alone sure make for a much more comfortable drive and ride.

    I also have the "5000lb Air-Lift", Air Bags on all four corners. Something just doesn't sound right on your Steer-Safe Install, or maybe you have other issues with your front end, or something else that your not aware of. I agree, that I don't think that "Longer Eye Bolts" is going to do anything for you, as longer would add to your problems.

    Hope you find your problem as soon as you can. That "Steer-Safe" really is a good prouduct. Are you sure you have the Correct "Steer-Safe" Set, ?

    Good Luck. Happy Travels. Dan & Jill
  • I don't see how longer eye bolts will help. It would give you less tension. Shorter springs maybe. Are you sure it's installed correctly? When you put that assembly with the plate and folcum(sp)through the A arm frame you leave the nuts loose and slide it towards the front wheel. Then hook the springs onto wheel side then the other side to the eye bolts making sure you have the nut on the back side of the eye bolt threaded on flush. Next slide the bracket in the A frame back as far as you can keeping the folcum centered on the pins and then tighten the A frame assembly bolts. Now thread the nuts on the back side of the eye bolts all the way down stick a screwdriver in the eye bolt to hold back on while doing this.
  • Call the company and ask them. They are the ones who test the items.

    Yes streaching the spring will cause it to have more return pressure, however they also know how far the springs can streach while still returing to it's original shape, and how long the spring must become during a maximum right or left turn. If the springs start out longer, and then in a maximum turn are streached say 2" farther, it might cause distorsion in the spring, leaving them perminately longer than origianl.

    Just a thought.


    PS: Are you having problems with wander? Or the steering not returning to center? Or tire wear un-evenly?

    Checking the tire lean in and lean out can tell you how well it can track down the road. Some alignment shops "Claim" there is no way to adjust the lean of a tire on a straight axle chassis, such as my F-53 Super Duty frame (97). However a good truck shop, with 20 ton jacks can make adjustments, and did mine when it was 3 months old, with 951 miles on it. Never had to make an adjustment in the past 17 years after that, and the tire wear is really even.

    If you have this problem, then you need to find a truck alignment shop that is over 40 years old, and knows how to deal with straight axles. The place I went to has been in business since 1948.
