dougrainer wrote:
wa8yxm wrote:
Kwikee has two different step controllers. With the step extended look at the black box under the top (Techincally the bottom INSIDE) step.
If it is SQUARE or Squarish) it's the "old" one
if' it looks triangular (Really a nore complex 4 sided fiugre. I thin Trapizoid)
It is the new one
What is the difference?
OLD. the DOOR switch was a POWER switch. Though if the steps were extended ignition sense would override to retract. They remained so no matter what.
The NEW the DOOR switch is an OVERRIDE.. it locks the steps EXTENDED (Again unless overroad by ignition sense) NOTE that Ignition sense is not reliable and will often leave 'em out.
Second if the rig is used ... I installed a 2nd override for the door switch. When I activated it it mattered not if the door was open or not. the steps thought the door was closed. I had one reason for installing it and another (later) for loving it. (I highly recommend it)
That's page one
Page two
Different RV's are wired differently
The steps may be hooked to the MAIN (Chassis or engine) battery
or the AUX (House or coach battery
And they may be hooked up before, or after, the disconnect switch.
Exactly what is nonsense about it. They changed in the early 2000's from the old "Power" switch to the new "Override"
IN fact when I got my motor home in 2005.. The Demonstration had the old squarish Kwikee control with the POWER switch
The Delivered unit had the new one with the OVERRIDE.
On the demo unit the steps did not extend till the salesman flipped the switch.. On mine.. they extended whenever you opened the door.