Forum Discussion

stlucia0127's avatar
Mar 28, 2016

Steps not aligned

I own a 2015 Thor Hurricane 32N and have a problem with the exterior steps. When they are extended one side is out farther than the other by approximately 1/2 inch. The steps are functional but I would like to get this corrected without traveling 50 miles to the nearest dealer.

Any suggestions on how to correct this myself?
  • Check the adjustment of the eccentric washers that stop the movement of the step arms. If they're aren't adjusted about the same on both sides, that might be your problem. Easy fix if that's the problem.
  • You do not state what brand steps, but if Kwikee, there is a cam lock adjustment for each arm. IF one has become loose, then your type problem happens. Doug
  • Have you looked underneath how they are bolted on? Are they bent or just sloppy mount? My steps had almost no frame work to bolt to underneath. I had to construct more sturdy frame work for my steps. Fortunately I have a welder.