Hi all! Thanks for all your input. My wife wins the prize for best suggestion ever - call a local campground and ask if they know of any mobile rv techs. They provided us with 3 potential techs but suggested one in particular. He did not disappoint. While he needed some help from a friend who had more experience with newer designs in slide mechanisms, he stayed with it until I was comfortable that the issue was resolved.
JaxDad’s assessment was correct. It appears that the instructions that the dealer provided wiped the stop points. The initial issue appears to be a lesson learned in that we should not have deployed the slide without first leveling the coach. Through some help from the tech’s friend, we were able to reset the stop points and clear the error codes. It is still a little off, but we are able to operate the slide and are now much more comfortable with full hookups at a local campground.
Thanks again all. Safe travels!