Forum Discussion

rowekmr's avatar
Jun 04, 2017

Suggestions on Cleaning Old Carpet

Hey I picked up a 2000 Dutch Star that had a horrible stench coming from the carpet. I saw I had a old never used carpet shampooer in my basement a Hoover Max Extracty Dual V

I bought some Walmart brand carpet detergent followed the shampooer instructions and went over the stains and carpet a few times and although stains have lightened the smell still lingers.

Next I used a bucket of water with the detergent added and presoaked and prescrubbed with a stiff plastic brush and then when I used the shampooer as just an extractor the water coming out seemed more brown meaning I was getting more of the stain out.

Is there a better method? Is my way bad for the carpet literally soaking the fibers and briskly scrubbing then extracting it with machine then using the rinse cycle of the machine to take up remaining soap residue?
  • The smell is likely so deeply embedded that it will require replacement and once you get the carpet out you will likely need to treat or replace the sub-floor to get rid of the source. If you are anywhere near Weatherford, TX have Ernie replace your carpet with hardwood flooring or have him replace the carpet as I did. I like carpet! No matter what the current style happens to be.
  • Have one of the commercial carpet cleaners(like Stanley Steemers) come out with their large truck mounted machine and have them use the deodorizer on the carpet. Given the size of most RV's the cost will usually be at the minimum or around $100.
  • The best method is to hire a professional "steam" cleaner. No soap residue.

    You may need to just replace the carpet. I think I would have done that.
  • Once it is completely dry, if the smell still lingers you may try sprinkling Baking soda over it, leave it for a day or so and vacuum.
  • Only problem will be you can't dry the carpet below the surface although it will eventually dry. The smell is likely embedded deep inside and under the carpet. If it is soaked, the right odor control solution might fix the smell and you'll just have to hope for the best when it finally dries out. You might call some big cleaning supply company and explain what you are doing. They might have some good suggestions.