Drive an 2006 Thor 31D on an F53 chassis. Your 2007 chassis is identical. Installed front and rear Firestone bags over the winter. The bags install just in front of the axles on top of the leafs and chassis frame. Plenty of room. Also added an air compressor.
Did the bags make a difference? Some but it's not the bee's knees. The hard bumps still rattle the dishes but the smaller ones are a bit softer. Coach seems a bit bouncy as if the bags take away some of the damping of the shocks. No difference in sway or getting pushed around by wind. What I would recommend first is do the CHF (see IRV2 Ford Chassis group for details) and install a set on Koni shocks on all the corners. I have Koni on the front and Bilstein on the back. The back bangs much more than the front.
I did run into a side benefit of the bags. Couple of weeks ago had a problem with the jacks. Left rear would extend and start to lift but would stop. Retract solenoid wasn't sealing. Use the bags to raise the rear a the inch or so needed to finish the leveling.
Ordered the kit from Amazon. $675.76 back in January for front and rear. The compress and extra stuff ran me another $490.56.