Forum Discussion

down_home's avatar
Explorer II
Feb 28, 2019

T105 Batteries

Perusing the Internet about batteries and possible replacing our T105s down the road with AGMs.I saw T105s on Amazon for $194.00! And on ebay from 122.00 to 155.00 local pickup only on any of the listings.
IN Palm Beach County,Fla 79.00 each for T105s local pick up only too.
Tht's a lot of savings if you are in Palm Beach area or going through.
Our are 7 years old but well maintained and seldom used. This trip I suppose we need to draw them down.

Corrected the price, on edit.
  • I got 10 years off my T105s that I purchase in 2005. Not sure if this set will last 5.
  • wa8yxm's avatar
    Explorer III
    Trojan T-105's are good batteries. GC-2 class. True DEEP CYCLE Flooded wet.

    So what are the advantages to switching to AGM (SInce you were considering AGM)

    Total life: No advantage there. Average life for AGM and well maintained Flooded wet not much different and in my expierence. Wet did better. but that's my test.

    Total capacity: Same.. Identical in fact.

    You don't water AGM.. This may be why mine did not last as long.

    PROFIT for the store/manufacturer.. OH yes. Big advantage there. Store/Maker make much more profit due to far far far higher price.

    Now. in some few cases the fact they are "Low gassing' may be important. but if you are set up for flooded wet then the battery compartment is properly vented so this does not apply.

    and in some cases the "no this side up" feature may be important. but again. NOT in your case.

    So.. My suggestion: Do not waste money on AGM.
  • I replaced my 8.5 year old T-105's last fall after full time use for their entire life with 2 new T-105's. Make sure you get the straight T-105's not the Plus and you can use Trojan's watering system for one point watering. Quick and easy. I water mine in the spring and in the fall.