Forum Discussion

dsisemore1's avatar
Explorer II
Sep 06, 2021

Tail light issues

I have a 2016 Tiffin 36LA on Ford F-53 chassis. My running/tail lights on the passenger side are not working. Brake lights and turn signals work fine. Everything on the drivers side works fine. I have changed the bulbs - didn’t help. Checked fuse on the Ford distribution box - that fuse okay. I am thinking Tiffin installed these lights so might have a separate fuse somewhere? Any suggestions would be appreciated.
  • You are not looking for daytime lights. You need to look in owner's manual or this manual 64-75
    Many are wired into the trailer tow fuses. Test all the fuses with test lamp is the easiest.
  • Okay found the fuses inside the coach. Checked each bulb socket and all have current. Only saw one fuse for daytime lights. Fuse okay
  • There are 2 fuse boxes for Ford. The one outside by the engine oil fill and the one inside by the emergency brake pedal on the firewall. There is a fuse for each light. The sockets are part of the Ford wire assbly. The wire harness's GOING TO all 4 outside corner lights are FORD harness also. This is where a voltmeter or 12 volt test light comes in handy. Instead of just replacing a bulb, you make sure you have power AND ground to the bulb socket. Doug
  • Yes, installed by Tiffin.
    Ford has two fuse blocks. One under dash and other under hood/doghouse.
    Does the rig have lamp outage function?
    Splice under hood/doghouse?