We've had our 2002 Phaeton since it was new. We've been to the factory 3 times, not because we needed to but because we wanted to and we happened to be close by. All of our issues were minor not major problems. We also had very good results. I also agree a dealership can fix most problems so Red Bay is not always necessary.
We've been to Tiffin's factory during all those trips and saw how they do try to maintain quality control and do inspections and tests after they come off the assembly line but...with a rig with such complicated systems...obviously it is impossible to catch everything. Any issue that comes up later is taken care of by the dealership or a trip back to the factory. Tiffin handled our isses things without any trouble and many times at their own cost.
Many brands of rigs have "issues" not caught at the factory or develop them later. More complete testing before a unit is sold should be the case for all manufacturers.
We all know this whole deal is frustrating.
I do agree with other posters...for the money we all spend on new units or our hard earned cash on used ones perfection is expected but can seldom be met. Always there will be someone who is dissatisfied with their unit or a unit that has minor issues.
All any of us can do is talk to the dealerships and manufacturers and encourage stepping up their quality procedures or just don't buy an RV. But that would mean a lot of RVers would not be out rolling around the country.
If we want to own one we have to accept that this rolling home is complicated--therefore owning and operating one will never be simple or cheap.