Forum Discussion

  • Seems like most reviews, it is all about the materials and the fluff inside. I would much rather hear how it drives and handles. I would also like to know the mechanical side of things. Engine access, plumbing access, slide and leveling equipment, these seem to be the things that come up often on these forums.
  • If you have been reading 'Gone with the Wynn's' from the beginning, that review was never meant to be technical or any type of official comparison. Just their personal opinion as they have had about 4 or 5 RV's.

  • Well, they didn't talk about fuel mileage parking or any of those things either. It was kind of a cutesy way of presenting the inside of four rigs with their banter about what they liked and disliked. It wasn't meant to be all inspiring, just somewhat interesting without having to actually go out and view them yourself....Dennis
  • yep, "fluff" indeed. I think I saw on the third unit that the refrigerator faced the front. every time I see that I imagine what would happen during a panic stop. and 36-38 ft are not small. and when "voting" don't look and see what the other person votes.
  • Terrible reviewers. Strictly an interior comparison. No checking out ride and handling. Were all the units on a Freightliner or? Any with an Allison 3000. Did they have exhaust brakes? tank capacities? And how does a 38 ft. unit qualify as a small unit? Just a bunch of fluff that would never help anyone make a buying decision.

  • We were looking at a Sprinter based C, but we found out it could not pull my Jeep with exceeding specs, so decided against it.
  • Is there something wrong with Sprinter-based ClassC ?
    I have yet to meet an owner who doesn't love them.
    Sprinter vans in Europe often make 2 million km before they remove valve covers.
  • Contrary to the remarks the Tiffin Allegro Red does have a A\C vent in the bathroom.
  • I follow the 'Wynn's. They are a cute couple and make good video's. They are thinking of switching to boating which I hope that they don't. I really enjoy their RV stories and wish they would keep that going for a while.
