I've seen some very well-upfitted skoolies (school bus conversions.) The only downside of those is because they are not RVIA certified, it is difficult to find a private campground that will take them, and insurance can be daunting as well, since they are insured as an old bus worth a couple grand, not a second home.
I hate to say it but I wasn't that impressed. Don't get me wrong... It's better than what I could probably do myself. Maybe there should be more pictures showing where the wardrobe is and the bathroom etc...
The flooring is very nice but I wouldn't call the dinette area beautiful from the picture...
Using 2x4 for wall studs and framing has got to make that thing unbelievably heavy. It also seems a shame to go to all that work, but leave the original bus windows. Not only does it look tacky, but it can't provide much insulation. I would bet it is also noisy going down the road.
But it sure gives those with plenty of money, no building skills, no imagination, and the ability to be critical of, or better than, others something to talk about.......You got to understand that a Prevost started out as a BUS. I'll bet they have a good time using it also and If a campground refused them its discrimination bigtime!!!!!!!I like it and admire the skills and imagination it took to do that.