Can you determine visually with the cap off or with a temp gun, or any other way if coolant is actually running thru the radiator?
Most common radiator failure is coolant leaking to the floor...
Next is fins packed with crud...
If the fins are clean, coolant is flowing, the radiator pretty much has to cool.
If you can look into the top with the cap off, you'll see the coolant moving when the thermostat opens.
Or this far into it just remove the thermostat and check for flow without it.
Check temp top and bottom with a temp gun.
Use a "third party gauge". I've been known to put my wifes oven thermometer into the top of the radiator to verify the temperature.
Not sure on your chevy, the F53's "look" like they have a temp gauge in the dash, but it's driven by the computer, and only has 3 positions, cold. normal. and really hot. never anything in between