Flyfisherman128 wrote:
funny that you say the motor sputters when this happens maybe the motor is running to lean lean motors have higher combustion temp. does the motor idle fast if it does you may have vacuum leak low fuel pressure can make it run lean bad o2 sensor can make it run lean
My guess with the back fire is the fuel gets so hot that it vaporizes and pre ignites in the combustion chamber. The back fire is out of the throttle body. I believe that in a carbureted engine the fuel line pressure is 7 psi, in a throttle body is around 18 psi and in a fuel injected engine its around 60 psi. In the old days of carbs we used to get vapor lock. This sort of acts like that. I would have thought that with the higher pressures it couldn't be that. All of the fuel lines are away from hot surfaces and are well insulated.
Could be burned gasket between cylinders.