Forum Discussion

bmwbob's avatar
Sep 23, 2015

The NEW Diamond Shield: HELP!!!!!!

Folks, I'm in a time pinch to make the decision on whether or not to have this product added to my newly repainted coach.
If ANYONE has had this product applied in the last 5 years or so (when the new stuff came out) would you PLEASE chime in with your comments about any good or bad experiences you have had with it.
I hate to annoy with multiple posts, but I'm not getting a clear sense of direction on this one, and the $1200 they want for it would rest as comfortably in my checking account as it would in theirs.
Ayuda, por favor! (That's about the extent of my Spanish!) :-)
  • Is this comment in reference to the version of Diamond Shield currently being applied, or the older version from 6 or more years back?
    This is a critical issue, so I appreciate your comments.
  • My experience, for what it's worth, is Diamond Shield is excellent on the West Coast where there is little or no humidity. On the East Coast, especially SouthEast, where the humidity is high, it tends to allow mold or black spots to appear under the coating....Good luck with your decision...Dennis