One good thing about the Class A, be it gas or a DP, is travelling "in the house".
No need to stop to make food or use the washroom. Passengers can have a drink if so inclined. A selection of seating spots, heck the passengers can even snooze on the bed if they like.
Kids don't get bored as they can watch TV, play video games etc.
The gas mileage of an "A" sucks but the bigger tank allows for a long distance between fuel stops if you like. I occasionally go on a trip with some guys hauling fivers with big pick-ups. Seems like they only get about three hours on the highway and they are looking for fuel. We go to a campground about four hours away (225 miles) and I can make it in one non-stop trip, if I want, but my buds are always needing a stop.
Technically I probably could make a round trip of that distance without a fuel stop but I would haven't and wouldn't try. (75 gals X 7 MPG = 525 miles)
Anyhow, when it comes to travel going in a Class A can't be beat.