Forum Discussion

nomad_289's avatar
Oct 03, 2014

Tips for Tailswing while turning in Traffic?

How do you deal with Tail-swing when you have heavy high-speed traffic in the adjacent (same direction) lane as you turn?

I've taken to:

1. Taking two lanes prior to turn(blocking cars from passing in adjacent lane, since Tail-swing will encroach on that lane during the turn).

2. Entering deep into the intersection at a very slight angle, then turning sharply at the last second.

Any other Tips?
  • My rig is 5 to 6 feet longer than yours, and the only thing I do is go far enough into the intersection that I am using 1&1/2 or 2 lanes of the road I am turning in to. I have never had a problem with the lanes I am turning out of.
  • Seems to me that if you're taking two lanes you might well be MORE apt to have other drivers crowding you since you're taking up yours and their driving lanes. Just stay to the side away from traffic and depend on THEM to stay in their own lane and you should be fine. Tail slap will not be extreme unless you are turning very sharply and is almost non existent in normal traffic situations.
  • nomad 289 wrote:
    If the turn is made "normally", the tail will swing into the adjacent lane of traffic, either hitting the side of a passing car or getting rear-ended since most drivers do not anticipate the lane encroachment.

    No I do not agree... Drive deep into the intersection and make your turn. There is definitely not as much "swing" as you're thinking!
  • Your tailswing is probably not as severe as you think, especially in a 26 footer. When taking a right turn, just stay close to the curb. Even if you have 12" or more of tailswing, your tail will stay in your lane.
  • Yup. We've typically driven a 31-foot Coachmen with seemingly endless rear overhang, and done a fair bit of driving around towns. Never saw problems with adjacent traffic, they seem to figure it out. Even in my case, where I am setting up far on the left edge of a lane for a right turn. I'm slow, huge, and blinking. People seem to get it.
  • nomad 289 wrote:
    Old-Biscuit wrote:
    Just make the turn as normal..just like you would do in car/truck

    If the turn is made "normally", the tail will swing into the adjacent lane of traffic, either hitting the side of a passing car or getting rear-ended since most drivers do not anticipate the lane encroachment.

    Old Biscuit is right; make the turn as normal. My C is longer than yours and we don't have that problem.

    If you slow enough, use your signal, then you should be fine. The other drivers are required by law to keep an eye out for your maneuvers too.
  • Old-Biscuit wrote:
    Just make the turn as normal..just like you would do in car/truck

    If the turn is made "normally", the tail will swing into the adjacent lane of traffic, either hitting the side of a passing car or getting rear-ended since most drivers do not anticipate the lane encroachment.
  • Item #1 will get you rear ended and YOU will be at fault for not maintaining lane

    Just make the turn as normal..just like you would do in car/truck