DutchmenSport wrote:
We purchased our Dutchmen Sport from Tom Raper many years ago. When we went back 3 years later to trade, they were not nice. (I'm being polite here). They wouldn't work with us for a decent trade. We ended up going somewhere else and have never been back.
Tom Raper use to have a good reputation. Raper started on a little lot just North of there on Highway 38. He purchased his first camper and it was paid for. When he sold it, he purchased more, paid for, and continued the chain. All of his sales, negotiations, and reputation were very honorable. He finally moved to his current location, moved across the road, expanded. It's NOT the same mom-and-pop mind set any more. Far from it.In 2002, David Bane bought the dealership from Tom Raper. And unfortunately, the pride in the business was sold down the drain too. I've never been back there.
I think your right about how it used to be. We bought our first class a from them and they were top notch but have heard nothing positive since. One of the problems in rv and other industries is buy a good name and mine it till it's totally wiped out.