Bumpyroad wrote:
klutchdust wrote:
Glad it worked out for you. I drug out a scooter to use as a pit vehicle at the track and it had been sitting for over a year. The gas was dried up in the tank so I added some fresh fuel and some sea foam, it sputtered and ran poorly, hard to start. Switched over to berryman B-12 fuel system cleaner and it ran and has been running like a charm. I purchased some berryman fuel stabilizer and add it to my fuel cans I use around the farm. I don't have any connection to them. Compare what is inside various products and then decide.
was it just the berryman doing this or was it a matter of extra time/continual trying to start etc.?
I put in a new spark plug .fuel and sea foam and got it running with about 1/2 gallon of fuel. It ran poorly. It wasn't until after I added the Berryman and ran it for awhile that it cleared up.