That newer system makes more sense as it solves the external remote sensor leak issue.
I do not have a system now, but being full time when I see a coach owner with them I ask. The 15 or so I have talked to are a mixed bag from greatest thing ever to waste of money. I have also wondered, as these systems are user installed, were the sensors installed properly?
What surprises me that my 07 HR has abs and traction control.
My mini cooper's low tire sensor is fed from the wheel sensors that also tells the traction control when to kick in. Ie each tire should be spinning at the same r.p.m., When running in a strait line. Corners don't count as every wheel would be turning at a different speed so the system waits for the straight line to evaluate.
When I had trouble with my mini low tire sensor warning and took it in for service I asked the tech how does car know it has a low tire?
He explained that the wheel spin sensor detects a low tire by
the increase in speed a low tire will turn as opposed to the other three.
All done in milliseconds by the cars computer.
My long rant leads to...if I have the sensors for traction control why would low tire sensors be such a leap? I know we have engineers and techies here who might be of help.
Could be the dual rears makes this impossible.