Forum Discussion

ichudov's avatar
Jan 19, 2016

Trace RC7 inverter OVERTEMP error in FREEZING weather

I have a Monaco Windsor 40PST class A motorhome with a Trace inverter.

I have a problem with this inverter, first, is that the fan makes a very annoying sound and does so at seemingly random times, regardless of whether the inverter is on and off. The fan noise goes away if the inverter is shutdown with the on/off button on the inverter body, however.

Secondly, when the weather turns to freezing temperatures, the inverter shuts down with "OTemp" error, meaning it overheated. (despite weather being unbearably cold at 0F). The load, of course, is nonexistent as the RV is mothballed.

After that everything goes to hell and batteries get completely drained and discharged.

I have a very understandable desire to keep my batteries in good shape and charged. I even plug my RV in nearly permanently, into shore 110v. I was hoping that it would keep my batteries charged.

However, this error means that I often come to the RV to find the batteries drained out, which leads to battery damage.

Has anyone experienced similar issues and what can I do to prevent such an upsetting turn of events.

I also do not frankly understand how a failure should lead to complete discharge of batteries. Common sense suggests that a failure should stop use of batteries.

Here's the picture:

Do not be fooled by high voltage reading on batteries, I was charging them externally.

I have my own suspicions, which is that the inverter fan is bad and needs to be replaced. But I wanted to see what others are thinking.

  • gatorcq wrote:
    Are you leaving the Inverter ON? This error is related to the load on the Inverter side - not the charging side. Meaning you have left the inverter on and the items on that circuit is overloading the components. And since you have stated that the COOLING fan is making noise (going bad). I suspect that is what is causing the problem. Install an external fan somewhere on the unit so the INSIDE can get airflow

    From the manual. It can be EITHER the Invert or the Charger. IF it happens when the INVERT is OFF (he is in storage) then it is either the charger section or more likely the fan is not running like it should and the fan needs replaced. Doug

    "The “Otemp/Less Load” System Status message indicates the
    inverter/charger transformer and power components have
    exceeded a safe operating temperature. Reduce the load on
    the inverter. When the unit cools, it automatically resets and
    resumes operation. If this condition occurs often, make sure
    the inverter is in a cool location, has adequate ventilation, and
    the cooling fan is operational."
  • Are you leaving the Inverter ON? This error is related to the load on the Inverter side - not the charging side. Meaning you have left the inverter on and the items on that circuit is overloading the components. And since you have stated that the COOLING fan is making noise (going bad). I suspect that is what is causing the problem. Install an external fan somewhere on the unit so the INSIDE can get airflow
  • The Temp sensor is connected to the batteries either ON the case of the battery or on the terminal. Trace Inverter/Chargers from your year model were notorious for malfunctioning. You really need to replace it with a current Xantrex model. The purpose of the temp sensor is to monitor the heat when charging to prevent boiling of the battery's. You can disconnect the sensor from the Inverter/Charger. It is not really required, but that will not fix the charging problem. You could attempt to find parts for a 13 year old Trace, but I doubt Xantrex would still have them. The fan is a cooling fan and will be ON whether in INVERT mode or CHARGE mode depending on the internal temp of the Inverter. Even when the Inverter is OFF, it is still in charge mode and will charge as needed and will cause the fan to operate. You need to determine if the error is the Heat of the internal Inverter that is the code or the Battery sensor. Usually a Overheat code on a Trace is the battery sensor system. The fan is easily replaced by any aftermarket similar fan that fits the space. Doug
  • Many temperature sensors go down in resistance when the temperature drops. So at near 0F, the temp sensor might read "Open" when it is actually just very cold. So it is reading broken wire - when in reality it is super cold.

    I would call this place, and talk to them. They repaired my Trace inverter back in 1999. They where one of the factory service centers for Trace back then.

    Good luck,
