Having read all of your posts for the last six months, I have a few comments in order of importance.
1) The DW likes the MH over the fifth wheel you had before.
2) The wife likes the Monaco Knight.
3) Your soon to be Xwife liked the MH better.
4) How are you getting the bike to bike week?
5) A four year old Tundra does not need replacing.
6) It does not hurt a diesel engine to sit, but it does hurt the tires.
7) You do not need to change the oil every year.
8) $6K for a fiberglass rear cap when you already have one???
9) $6K will repair a lot of broken items, not that they start to break at 10 years.
10) The wife like the MH... what were you thinking?
11) You got a really good deal on the MH, but not on trading it in???
12) In the winter take the MH to Fla and fly down to use when able as it's the easiest way to winterize it.
PM me for a reasonable place to store it in Fla and it's not in WPB.