Forum Discussion

Hedgehog's avatar
Apr 27, 2015

Trading from DP to fifthwheel

My wife and I are considering trading our 2006 Monaco knight to either a Montana or bighorn fifthwheel. We just don't use the motor home enough to justify a engine and other components just sitting. We currently only put about 1,300 miles a year on it. The dealers around here are now insulting me with I consider low offers on my coach and I was looking for some input. First off, I know it's best to sell it outright but I don't have the patience for that. As of right now, two different dealers want around $6,000 plus my motor home for a fifthwheel that stickers for around $83,000. They keep blaming the fact that Monaco and road master are out of business and that drives the price of my coach down. My coach only has 29,000 miles and I have maintained the roof annually. I also replace the engine oil annually even though it on,y has 1,300 miles on it. I just put six new batteries a month ago and my front tires were replaced last year. What do you think a fair price would be? Last year I was offered a similar fifthwheel and $8,000 back in my pocket. I tried getting my wife down to a travel trailer but she's not interested. She still likes the motor home but is starting to see my point with all the maintenance time and cost that goes into it for the amount a use we get out of it. Any input would be appreciated.
  • We plan on possibly putting the fifthwheel on a seasonal site and then towing it out for a vacation. As far as the truck goes, I was do for a upgrade within the year anyway. The only difference is I would be looking at a 3/4 or 1 ton instead of a half ton. I am just worry about all the stuff that's close to 10 years old that will start going wrong.
  • I just want to add my 2 cents. I can't help you with the price or opinion on a 5th wheel.

    We have a 96 Southwind and are planning to buy something newer.
    My wife likes a motorhome and would not be happy in a towed unit.
    I like the convenience of a motorhome, everything is available while traveling. No need to stop for her to get something from the fridge or use the toilet.

    Maybe trading to a smaller gas Class A or Class C would be an option?
    Yes, you still have the engine/driveline to maintain.

    But, is your wife willing to give up the convenience?
    Especially when you pull into a CG at night when it's raining or you're just tired. Level it and go to bed.
    In a 5th wheel or TT you must leave your tow vehicle to get into the RV.

    We'll stick with a Class A or C just for the convenience. And, we don't use ours as often as we want to, but it's worth it for us.

    Good luck with whatever you decide.
  • If you google the model numbers of the 5ers you are looking at you will find dealers offering those new "stickered" $85k units offered for sale for any where from near that price to as low as around $60k. Find the lower priced ones, print them out, and take those to your dealer before talking trade.
  • IMHO you will be disappointed with the fit and finish of either of those two compared to your Monaco with an 83K sticker either of those should sell for around 70 75K meaning dealer is offering you around 65K for your MH. Is that a good deal? Its your money, so you have to decide. When you add 65K for a dually truck your still into this over 70K.