Forum Discussion

cgmartine's avatar
Feb 06, 2014

Transmission clunk

I have a 2008 Fleetwood Tioga I bought used. Whenever I shift it into park, I get a loud clank. It does it every time. Have any owners of a Ford E450 with V-10 Triton experience the same noise? Any cure for it? Thx.
  • Our 2010 E-450 Greyhawk did the same thing, from the first day we picked it up (new). Yes the shift from drive or reverse into neutral then to park works wonders.
  • My "08 E-450 has it and has had it since I bought it new. I will try the neutral first thing to see.
  • I often wondered what else I could do to prevent that 'clunk' but now I can sleep at night knowing we all have it!
  • i have an 06 F350 that would do the same thing when shifted into park.By accident I discovered that placing trans in neutral and then into park it wouldnt "clunk".
    Out of curosity I spoke to a friend of mine that owns a transmission shop . .he replied that by placing trans in neutral and then into park you are removing any "pressure" from trans and driveline preventing the noise.

    It works on mine ,try it and see.
  • They all do that. Last "C" I rented had the exact same issue, although it was mitigated by the fact that I always used the parking brake so the weight of the vehicle was on that, and not the parking pawl/transmission.
  • Mine is a 2013 E-450 or 2014 Thor Chateau and it does it as well. When the park pawl goes into place in the transmission it sends the vibration down the drive shaft. That is normal on long drive shafts.