Believe it or not those cheap Chilton manuals you can pick up at auto part store has a pretty good section of maint. A lot of missing information as you get more in detail in other sections but maint section is pretty good IMO.
The Motorcraft filter for those is FL 820 I believe. They have silicon valve in them that prevents or keep more oil in upper part of engine than others. The valve prevents "cold starts" or starting when with most of oil in crank case, so they say. And price is right also. Walmart used to have oil filter and oil.
Would also buy one of those oil drain valves, maybe somebody know the name but they save the mess sometimes involved with oil changes. None of the maint is hard to learn. The one of reasons why I do mine is it also gives me a chance to look at other stuff on vehicle.
Don't forget to clean your MAF. Every time I change oil I give MAF a shot of cleaner and grease front tie rods (don't know if yours is sealed or grease fittings) I do those when oil is draining. Do some looking around on COP or (coil over plug) to see how your plugs get their spark.
Some people get a lot of miles on those things. 3000,000 or 400,000 thousand not uncommon for those that keep up on things.
Also give generator its maint