Forum Discussion

Cfforsythe's avatar
Sep 25, 2014

TruCenter Steering

Have one had a problem the Tru Center causing the front wheels to shake , trying pull the steering wheel from your hands? This is on a 2012 Ford Class A motorhome. Speed has 20 to 30 Mph at 50MPH.
  • wa8yxm's avatar
    Explorer III
    Let me put it this way.. The Tru-Center CAN NOT DO THAT. That would be impossible.

    What it can do is "Lock up" so you can not turn the wheel. Very rare, when it happened to me (Older design) I was still able to put the rig on a site and remove it and ship it back to PENDER.. They responded with a brand new one (Updated design) which I bolted back on and very happy.

    Only one major problem since, and that has nothing to do with the Tru-Center, but rater something above it (In no way related to this thread).
  • Is there a steering stabilizer/shock absorber on these? My old coach did the same thing until I replaced that
  • One thing for sure it's not the Tru Center causing the front wheels to shake. If anything it would help stop the shaking.
    There is something worn out or loose in your front end.
  • Sounds like the "death wobble". It happens when one tire hits a pot hole or other bump and the front wheels begin to oscillate left and right.

    Google "front end death wobble" and you'll have a lot of info.

    An excerpt from the first hit on google
    Death Wobble is also extremely difficult to try to diagnose and fix, because it is actually caused by slop in the entire steering system as a whole, not by one component. To diagnose and fix Death Wobble correctly, your mechanic needs to look for “play” everywhere in the steering and front suspension system, searching for anything that could have “play” in it.

    My Dad had a 53 Chrysler with this problem, and the bolts holding the steering gearbox to the frame had worked loose.

    Have the entire front end check for play.

  • 2013 Allegro Open Road 34FT on Ford chassis . Frame is 2012. The three first time at a speed of about 20 mph going over a small bump. Yesterday at a speed of 50 mph after a hole in the road.
  • most of the time a low speed shake in steering wheel that moves the wheel back and forth is a tire problem