Props2 wrote:
I am new in the world of Class A, but what is up with the high price of used DP's.Are people underwater with these things? Why would I pay 225k for a two or three year old,say Newmar or Tiffin,when a good discount new is 40k more? Is the 40k worth a fresh warranty and know that you have a clean slate?
I do understand most people who can afford these do a good job of taking care of them,but?????
I also know pre-buy inspections don't catch everything. Whats your thought process? Used and potential out of pocket cost if something breaks ( and who knows what that will be),or piece of mind warranty...and something breaks.
Ask and you shall receive...NOT!!...
I'm thinking that under NADA low retail, is what most of them end up with and no matter how they do it. Especially with so many Buyer's wanting loans and banks balking at the borrower's loan request. Those still making payments of their own, sometimes face reality and pay off the difference, when someone finally comes along with cash and no BS. With a post made, just the other day, one member said that he'd burn it to the ground before he'd sell it for less. So, there ya go and just another way, for combating the problem at hand.
My advice is to buy it right, really right,. in fact and put the warranty money in the bank, the older the tires, the better for bargaining...etc...etc. Thing is with tires, it's always nice for starting out new and knowing were they have been and especially if someone else is paying for them, like the seller. For many, peace of mind comes in a tool box, but your mileage might vary, as they say.
New rig warranties, involving your dealer, have to be the biggest PITA there is and not like you can drive in there, tomorrow morning and be back home with it in the same afternoon. Just read all the horror stories and how many there are, before you find one that rings positive.