Forum Discussion

StuartT's avatar
Dec 09, 2014

Valid Auto Leveling - Does Yours Do This?

I am looking at a 2007 Camelot with a Valid leveling system. When you engage 'Auto' it seems to complete the leveling properly, lowering the coach and then raising the lowest corners to arrive at level. But then for the next minute or two, the compressor continues to run and there is the sound of relays clicking away, maybe 50 to 100 times before it finally all stops. Then the green light in the auto button continues to flash indefinitely.

The other symptom is when the key is first turned on, the same batch of relays start clicking and continue for maybe 20 - 30 seconds before they stop.

The resident "expert" at the dealership is telling me this is normal behavior on Valid systems. I am having a hard time swallowing that.
  • Google this and it will take you to a troubleshooting and zero out reset PDF manual. The very first one.

    valid air leveling system troubleshooting
  • I am always curious why, when you have been posted the number of Valid, you do not call them and find out from the CORRECT source about your concerns???? Doug
  • Some of the clicking your hearing when you first start up the coach is probably the ABS system ,if it has it doing its checks they last for a few seconds as a check each of the ABS solenoids
  • Yes, the clicking at start up lasted about 15-20 seconds. It would do something like a double click towards the front of the coach, a double click coming from the middle and another double click from the rear. Then it would stop and I would start the coach.

    It's sounds like your leveling system takes a little longer than ours to level. If you are thinking of buying this coach, I would have it checked out by a trusted tech. The leveling system can be reset (zero'd out) and the procedure can be downloaded from the Valid site. It does say that it's best done by a tech (if I remember correctly).

    Also, you can call Monaco with the VIN number and they can tell you if it's normal or not.

  • Mr. Mark

    Yes, air leveling only.

    Did your clicking at startup last for maybe 15-20 seconds, or just a few clicks and that was it?

    I did note that after completing the auto level, by jumping in the coach I could engaged the system to try and respond to the momentary out of level condition. So in general it seems to work. It is just the long period of compressor and clicking after it seem to be done, and a fast blinking, maybe four flashes per second, green light in the 'auto' button is concerning me.
  • No, it should not do that. Call Valid and ask them about the specifics to your complaint. Doug

    (250) 832-6477
  • StuartT, so you are saying that this coach has air leveling only?

    Our '08 Dynasty (just sold) had air and hydraulics. The air clicks like you describe but ours seemed to find the level pretty quick. The pad will go into a 'holding' mode to monitor the leveling and will re-level if needed. The green light should have a slow blink, not rapid, once finished.

    When starting the motorhome, when you turn the key just before you engage the starter, there is a clicking sound that goes down underneath the whole coach. I asked about that clicking but apparently it is normal. I just waited until it stopped then I started the coach.

    If I started the coach before the clicking stopped, it continued it's regular clicking cycle. So, this clicking at starting may not be what you are talking about but I wanted to point it out.

    Also, don't walk around the coach while it is leveling as it tries to compensate for the additional movement.

    Good luck,