dougrainer wrote:
jplante4 wrote:
dougrainer wrote:
It is NOT to get more water into the black tank. It is because the floorplan design does not leave any room to run that particular sink drain plumbing to the Gray tank, so they route that sink to the black tank. There is NO rule or Law that states ONLY Black Water can go to the Black Tank. Doug
Well, the OP said it was an option on his coach, so it appears that at least Mandalay can run the drain to either tank.
We sold his year Mandalay and I have been in the business for 40 years. I have NEVER seen an "Option" to reroute gray plumbing to the black tank. This may be true of some oddball brand motorhomes, but it is NOT an Industry common practice or option. The problem is, some so called experts(Salesman and such) when questioned WHY the sink is routed to the black tank, spout off some nonsense about options or making sure more water gets to the Black tank. Because they are afraid the customer might be upset with the truth. IF you need MORE water in the Black tank, just use MORE water when using the toilet. Doug
What truth!!!!! If the bathroom sink drains in to the black tank, so what?? We never hook up to sewer until our tanks are full and I find that with our Monaco coach, where the bath sink drains in to the black tank, it works fine. Both tanks seem to be balanced pretty well and seem to run about the same levels. I mean if it is going to be a big problem for some, just use the facilities at the RV park. I find that the design works fine on our coach. As far as I am concerned, those rigs that do not run the bath sink in to the black tank are plumbed wrong.