Forum Discussion

Unconfined's avatar
Apr 02, 2019

VIN plate location?

I have a 1979 Dodge Southwind Motorhome that was parked for 18 years, so the plates no longer exist in the DMV database. They said it will be a new registration, but they want me to take it in. It doesn't want to start, so they suggested a certified vehicle verifier, who wants me to find the VIN plate that is usually in the windshield, but not on this year, make, and model. I can't seem to find it and I've searched everywhere. Any ideas? In thinking it's a plate that's at the bottom of the door entry, because supposedly for this model the VIN starts with the letter M, and that's what's on that plate. But all the other plates have a different VIN that matches the one on the Title. And the VIN verifier said it should only have the numbers and no other words or information on it.....
  • since you cant drive it, check with the local state trooper to have them do up the paperwork, and the vin check, remember thought like our 1977, you dont have a 17 character vin... it messes up there computer ours only 5 charactors. other thing is you have the Dodge Vin # as well as the rv builders serial #.. have the trooper do both...
  • Yes there are several plates inside and outside, but none of them will suffice, for the verifier needs to see the one with only the VIN number and nothing else on it, no words, no other info, just the VIN.
  • If the VIN started with the letter "M", that means it was manufactured somewhere in South-East Asia. So odds are that is not the VIN but a chassis or coach serial number. Look around and see if you can find the coach manufactures data plate. That usually has all the info like model, serial number and maybe even the VIN. If no luck, check in all the cabinets and glove boxes for any coach manufacture's part, build or outfitting sheet, as they may have the VIN listed.

    There usually is a VIN Plate, so it may just take systematically checking everywhere.
  • look on the wall under the window next to the drivers seat
    unless there is door there
  • wa8yxm's avatar
    Explorer III
    Mine (2005 Damon).. if you are in the Driver's seat there is a small compartment over your head on the left wall. It's in there.. Might also be in a cabnet most anywnere.. If the unit has the original engine or tranny a Vehicle theft specialist (The Police kind) can likely find the engine/tranny number which though not the full VIN is enough for DMV to find it. IF that is they know how (I do but they may no.. It was part of my job for 25 years to know how. And I did).

    IN fact there are other ways I know to find it but.. Thats in MI do not know about your state.