Forum Discussion

knowmadically's avatar
Jan 03, 2016

Walk around while Class C in motion?

I'm thinking about getting a Class C motor home. Do most of you require that your passengers stay seated and buckled up? Or do you let your passengers walk around while the vehicle is in motion? What about children or babies? Do you have them in carseats?

Just curious what the general practice is among those of you with a Class C and what your thoughts on safety are. Also, are there legal requirements?
  • An acquaintance lost control of his $5000 used class C and went down an embankment while elderly father was in the bathroom. Father was hospitalized, RV was totaled, rest of family flew home in a multi-million dollar jet airliner.

    Best to use restroom when on straight interstate, better still to pull off at rest stops and take a brake every 100 or so miles.
  • I move around for coffee, soda, etc. while moving but I wouldn't allow any passengers to do it. I know my risks and am comfortable with the changing motion. I don't trust that anyone else in the rig is so they must stay seated.
  • It's been over 20 years since I owned a motorhome, and I admit I personally never had any issues with folks moving around. I do have an acquaintance who's wife ended up in the emergency room after he launched her off the toilet seat when he had to perform and emergency stop because of a driver who drifted off the road, over corrected and crossed in front of him. He barely clipped the oncoming car and did little damage to the RV. The wife however broke her nose, had her dignity somewhat wounded, and still blames him to this day for telling her to just use the toilet while they were driving rather than pulling over. Personally while it isn't an option with my current setup, I'm thinking I would learn from the experiences of others and not chance the added risk of injury.
  • Here in SC and I suspect all states, people are to be seated and belted while a vehicle is in motion, assuming there are sufficient belted seats for all occupants. It would be a falsehood should I tell you that we obey that law.
  • Wife does get up and retrieves sodas from the refrigerator, or uses the bathroom while we travel, I would not recommend children from running around if they need to use the bathroom pull over, a small child becomes a projectile very fast not worth a trip to the emergency room, have the little ones on the proper child seats.

    Most RV's have seat belts for all seats, mine does so use them for all persons, big and small they may not be required in all States other than the front seats why risk an injury.

  • Its one of the advantages to any self-powered RV. The ability for a co-pilot or navigator to use the kitchen, refrigerator or restroom or whatever while traveling. We do not recommend any type of actual cooking, especially involving heat due to the chance of spillage. All it needs is a good balance, and be sure to hold on the something at all times. We do use the microwave for a quick warm-up occasionally.
  • Many states have laws requiring that all occupants be belted in place while the vehicle is in motion, while some only require that those in the front seat remain belted in.

    Just for safety we stay belted in, although the dogs are in harnesses, thay are not usually belted in.

    If we need to move around, I pull into a rest stop or parking lot.