Bill.Satellite wrote:
Whatever the shop did or did not do is less important that they did not give him a good answer. If they said, "No, we don't wash it and you should not either", that would have been an answer. "If they said, "No, that's not included" that would have been an answer. "If they said "It could be washed but we won't do it for free", that would have been an answer.
Sounds like he ran into a shop that has an owner much like I would expect a business run by rgatijnet1 to be run.
Your absoluty right, lol I didn't pursue an answer because it really didn't matter because he knew It was something I
wasn't gonna pay for. It was only causual conversation. Always one person just gotta throw downers and say bad stuff about someone they don't know. I get my RV washed and waxed at my house for $120.00, It's cheap in Yuma. Thanks Bill