The main issues that I have encountered with fresh water are:
1) It doesn't taste good, largely because all public water has to be laced with toxic stuff to kill any germs
2) So much pressue that it will explode things in the RV.
3) Limited availability. For example, I stayed in a 400 unit campground in Yellowstone that as far as I could tell only had one tap. But this generally is not much of a problem
I solve all three of those issues by leaving home with a full tank and with rare exceptions I make that last the entire trip.
Waste water is another issue since I mostly boondock and don't have a sewage hookup at home. Fortunately, I often pass through Alabama on the way home and most of their rest stops have dump stations which I do take advantage of. While I don't dump grey water on the ground in a campsite I have been known to occasionly find a deserted area on the side of a road to take a dump, but only the grey water. Since I live on a farm anything still in the tank when I get home gets dumped in the yard. Any black water that makes it home I have to dump into a bucket and transfer it to a toilet in the mud room. My dogs enforce this policy, they find even rinse water from the black tank to have desirable odors. Needless to say, I really try to avoid bringing much home. Some truckstops have dump stations for a nominal fee that I have used when there are no better alternatives. Love's comes to mind.