Rick Jay wrote:
Are there really going to be 6 of you travelling? If so, most likely you will exceed the chassis weight limits for either of those rigs. If you're OK, with that, fine. Some are, some aren't. Most of my comments and suggestions below are based upon the assumption there will be 6 of you travelling, 4 of them between 1 & 18ish.
I WOULD NOT recommend the TV over the counter as there will be times (assuming you have kids, or perhaps even your spouse) where someone will be wanting to watch the TV while meal preparation is being done.
In my opinion, outdoor kitchens add weight and use up valuable storage space, but to each their own on that. I've just never seen the point.
As for the generator, there are options out there. I believe there are some which you can even monitor via your smart phone, assuming you have wifi where the rig is parked. If the power goes out, it'll alert you and you can send a signal to start the generator. In fact, I'm pretty sure there are some which use the cellular network, assuming you're in an area with cell service. I'm sure there are also temperature cued remotes that can automatically kick in the generator if the temperature inside the rig gets too warm. I'm assuming you want this feature because you have pets? We travel with 2 dogs. If we're in a campground, I have the front A/C set at a lower temp than the rear, so if either A/C fails, the other will kick in. I also keep the roof vent open a bit with the fan exhausting the warm air. Not as good as A/C, but should keep the interior livable should there be a power failure.
If there are 6 of you, you're in a similar situation we were when we started looking for our "ideal RV" back in 2002. In 2004, after exhaustively checking out just about every option starting with small hybrids to tow behind our Odyssey, we ended up with our dual sofa gas class A in our signature towing the Odyssey. We looked at just about every option in-between as well. After 14+ years and counting, and it's STILL the best floorplan we've found for the way we use our rig. Our youngest child had just turned 1 when we bought it. The class C's, like you're looking at now, did not have the weight carrying capacity I figured we'd need for our family. Before we purchased I estimated about 2,500 lbs. of food, people, pets, water & stuff, and when I roll over the scales, that's just about where we weigh in. The large, dual slide E-450 units can't handle that much weight without exceeding their chassis limits.
If you're buying used and want a rig with that type of floorplan, I highly suggest you look at rigs a few years older like the Jayco Seneca's. They'll be pricier, but will most likely be able to safely handle the weight you need to carry.
My best advice, though, is not to rush into anything. Buying the wrong RV can be costly as you play the "trade up" game. Do your research before you buy and get the right rig the first time.
Good Luck,
Hi Rick
You are correct…there are 6 of us, 4 being 18 and younger and one dog. Most times, however, there will only be 4. Two of kiddos will be with us from time to time depending on their sport schedule.
We are mindful to the carrying capacity. The last thing we want is to put our family in danger. We did do some research on Class A’s and feel we are more comfortable with a C for many reasons. A big plus for us with the C is it’s a truck and most if not all maintenance can be done by my husband. I don’t believe that can happen with an A.
Some people have also suggested we bring a tent for the kids. I have no problem doing this as we have dong this in the past but we want to camp in bear country. Now here is where I’m a crazy mama who worries, but I don’t want my kids in a tent with bears around….I would not sleep! :E Yes we could rent a villa or cabin as we have done in the past but we love camping and sleeping in my own bed is a wonderful feeling.
The carrying capacity for the Sunseeker is 2100 and the Leprechaun is 1829. I admit that 1829 is a low number. We’ve camped for the past 11 years in a pop up (with no slide) and always packed light. With that being said, we are aware of the CC changing depending on how many kids we have with us. DH and I have discussed how we would handle that i.e. getting groceries when we reach our destination as we do now when we take long trips, using only as much water in the toilet to get us to our destination, packing light just to name a few. We plan on one big trip a year which would involve us getting to a destination, setting up camp and sightseeing. This is when there will be 6 of us. Other trips are local with friends for the weekend, which there will be 4. We don’t have any “toys” per se, only fishing poles and don’t plan on getting anything big. Our kids our growing, life goes fast and we want to be able to take some trips and make those memories before they are up and gone. I know we’ll get there…..:)