pnichols wrote:
When we have to leave our dog in her playpen in the RV in warm temperatures in a non-hookup situation, we leave with the built-in generator and roof air conditioner running ... while at the same time FOR SAFETY BACKUP (in case the generator should ever quit while we're gone - it did once) ... we also leave a powerful 12 volt fan set on high blowing directly at the dog's playpen. In moderate temperatures we leave the front/rear roof vents open with the front vent's built-in fan drawing air from the rear vent through the full length of the motorhome.
We feel that this is a simple arrangement not relying too much on technology.
This is a good practice, and I think it's worth mentioning that while the interior of an RV will heat up without AC, if all the windows are covered it won't heat nearly as fast or hot as a car.