Forum Discussion

agossmann's avatar
Aug 20, 2013

when does one have to replace LP tanks?

We have a 23', 2000 Fleetwood Jamboree & the last time I got my 14 gal LP tank filled, the guy said that since it's so rusty, I probably should get it replaced. I have never heard anywhere anything about ages of LP tanks. What do you guys suggest? We dry camp a lot, so the tank gets a good workout every year. I don't think there's much of any paint left on the tank, it looks that bad, but the controller etc looks fine.
Any help would be much appreciated!
  • Not sure if what DogFolks says if correct for motor homes, I think that info if for portable tanks. Not sure will wait and see what else is posted. Dick
  • agossmann wrote:
    We have a 23', 2000 Fleetwood Jamboree & the last time I got my 14 gal LP tank filled, the guy said that since it's so rusty, I probably should get it replaced. I have never heard anywhere anything about ages of LP tanks. What do you guys suggest? We dry camp a lot, so the tank gets a good workout every year. I don't think there's much of any paint left on the tank, it looks that bad, but the controller etc looks fine.
    Any help would be much appreciated!

    They are supposed to be "re-certified," not replaced, when they are 12 years old, and then ever 5 years thereafter. Most local LP Gas companies can do it for you.