TC&Z wrote:
23hotrodr wrote:
There is most likely no wire run for that purpose. If you look at the 7 pin connector by opening the door - the pin just clockwise of the keyway is supposed to be the charge line. If you look at the back of the connector where the wires enter it, you will most likely find only a hole where the wire is supposed to go for that pin for the charge line.
hotrodr is right, there is no wire attached to that terminal. Plus the Winn wiring schematic shows only 6 wires going to the 7pin connector. I will run a charge line with inline fuse from the battery. What a pain, wonder why they wouldn't wire the connector completely in the first place?
Happy Camping !!
That being the case, it would make it much too easy for the customer and for a good dollar six eighty in loss of profit for them.