Forum Discussion

Foodsman's avatar
Jun 02, 2014

Which DP would you choose?

Greetings one and all,

I’m trying to get straight in my mind when looking at a used motorhome, what is best to look for from a age to value standpoint. That and also maintenance issues 10 to 15 years down the road?

Category I… You can buy a coach with an MSRP of $360,00 today and 3 to 4 years later can be purchased used for $170/$200,000 such as shown below. Obviously other coaches fit into this category I’m just using the two below as examples.

45’ Thor Tuscany (top offering)
42’ Entrega Aspire (bottom offering)

Category II… The following coaches are at the top or next to the top, as in American Eagle, for each manufacturers “best coach”. They are all 44/45 footers with an MSRP around
$470/$510,000 and according to *NADA have a (low retail) sell price around $200,000.

2006 American Eagle M-45H Caterpillar (525hp)...
2009 Entegra Cornerstone M-45SL 500hp Cummin...
2007 Zephyr Series M-45QSZ Spartan 500h...

The Category II coaches are the same $200,000 to purchase but they are 6 to 8 years old while the Category I coaches are 3 to 4 years old.

Based on the above and the thought of keeping the coach for another 10 to 15 years. Would you choose a coach from Category I… Or Category II…

Thanks for you help, I’ll be very interested in your reply.


*I know that NADA is not the “be all” of used values because coaches can have dramatically different values for a host of reasons. Bust it gives us something to look at.
  • Gjac wrote:
    What I would be asking myself is what improvements if any are in the newer MH's that I would want. If everything else is equal over all condition drive train, chassis the same, I would go for the older coach. It is passed the knee of the depreciation curve so you will loose less each year. The problems are well known trailing arms, etc in the older MH's and are probably already fixed.

    When you get a good buy on older quality, you can afford and don't mind fixing and/or modifying things for the better and can treat it more like a house. This is an ongoing thing with me, no matter and couldn't help myself, even if I wanted to, but do hate wasting my time with junk... :D
  • Gjac's avatar
    Explorer III
    What I would be asking myself is what improvements if any are in the newer MH's that I would want. If everything else is equal over all condition drive train, chassis the same, I would go for the older coach. It is passed the knee of the depreciation curve so you will loose less each year. The problems are well known trailing arms, etc in the older MH's and are probably already fixed.
  • Quality over age always wins out in my book and would rather buy tried and proven engineering, cuz if it doesn't have it when built, then it never will and if it does, it'll be good for a very long time to come. Now with our old relic, it still looks a lot newer than it actually is and couldn't ask for better in a gas puller, while, other coaches we've seen, that were much newer, are falling apart already.
    Ahhhhh, lets see and for example. Cabinets are coming loose from the walls, due to rough roads. Say what????
  • Effy's avatar
    Explorer II
    This topic comes up quite a bit and as always, it's all about opinions. It really comes down to specific coaches, how they were treated etc rather than a blanket - which is better - newer or older and "nicer". The crux of the issue is defining "nicer" or better and that has so many variables you can't possibly get a definitive answer without scrutinizing each coach. You could find a good deal on a used Prevost or Foretravel that was really mis-treated or already has failing or ready to fail components. But based on facts there is this; Age is the enemy of anything, and I don't care what folks say about owning a high end coach, at 8-10 years old stuff is not only becoming obsolete and out-dated, things will start to fail. The true answer is this - no one can tell you what to buy. You need to examine each coach and find what YOU like about them. Once you narrow it down I am sure specific questions about components etc can be addressed but all you are doing at this point is asking for a bunch of opinions. And you'll get them. If it were me, and I knew I would keep it for 15 more years, I would opt for the nicest, newer coach I could. In 15 years that 3 yr old coach will be 18 and the 8 year old one will be 23. You think about what a 23 yr old MH looks like today vs an 18 yr old one and think about the condition. 5-10 years difference in MH's is a lot of use, abuse, weathering and time for things to fail and become obsolete. You think about any big purchase you make. Houses, cars etc and you tell me what needs addressed in that 8-10 year mark. What the components are like, finishes etc. Time is the enemy. And cars and houses are typically built better than RV's and subject to less abuse.

    On edit: BTW I would avoid the Thor ;)