The following is from another discussion forum, and I was thinking of this when mentioning big 24' sprinter Class B vans in my post above.
"I don't think you have to go too many decades back to a time when there were motorhomes (slang, 'Winnebago'), mini-motorhomes (chassis cabs with coach built on back), and camper vans. I'd bet few rigs in each MH category strayed far from group average lengths of 24', 20', and 16', respectively."
The OP wrote "Found out, while camping is fun, it's really about the road trip for us. And I think a small class C does that better than just about any other kind of rig."
It kinda' looks like the 24' is a good number to have in mind. In a thread once, it was the answer I gave when asked what length should be the cutoff if small Cs were to be discussed w/ Bs. (I think toadless needs to be in that mix also.)
24'is too small for a vast number RVers, but this has never been an issue of competition - there is no contest. People state strong preferences and generally mean no slight to others' values, even if some derogatory and hyperbolic bias is shown. We all do it.
The point of 24 is that it works well for touring couples and/or singles, and not very much for families, base camp toad trippers, or posh luxury RVing.