Forum Discussion

subtroll's avatar
Aug 14, 2015

Windshield coming out of gasket?

Both sections of our 2 piece windshield have been replaced twice over the past 12 years and 130k miles due to rock damage and possibly corner stress cracks. Now both sections are coming out of the gasket. Six months ago I noticed a slight wind whistle at medium to high speeds. I suspected a small problem at some point in the caulking around the gasket.

The wind whistle became louder but not continuous every trip. In June while on a 1400 mile trip, I put duct tape over the entire top seam of the effect. While parked for 6 weeks I recaulked the top seam with a black urethane sealant.

Two days ago I drove the coach 30 miles to get a new microwave oven installed (first trip since June) and the wind noise began at 30 mph and was very loud. I discovered the center rubber strip between the two sections had moved almost half an inch toward the passenger side and I could stick my pocket knife blade between the edge of the drivers side glass and the center rubber gasket! Prior to my return 30 mile trip I covered the seam with Black Gorilla Duck tape.

After returning to our summer parking spot the drivers side had moved even more such that there is an open gap on most of the outside edge. The glass is outside the gasket at both top outside corners.

Now working with my insurance company, I'm looking for the best shop to get both sections reset properly before getting on the road again next week.
  • We were at RV Glass Solution having our windows fix for a creeping seal. The coach next to us had a windshield replaced and the new one broke. They were getting ready to install the second one and noticed the opening was not correct. They ended up sending the coach to a body shop to correct the opening before the shop would install another windshield.
  • I had my re installed last fall, but just the passenger side.
    My insurance company didn't cover it, unless it was broken.
    So I paid $400 to have the work done @ my friendly RV dealer.
    It had to sit over night to allow the sealer to dry.
  • About 6 years ago I had both windshields reset on our 96 Southwind.
    The techs said the factory didn't use enough sealant when the windshields were originally installed. They used plenty of goop when they reset the glass.
    And, they used the original gaskets.
    I've had no problems since they were reset.
    Make sure they use plenty of sealant when they reset the windshields.
    I used a glass shop recommended by a local RV dealer.
  • It is not too uncommon for the windshields to be replaced and keep the old gaskets. After the two previous glass changes and 12 years, perhaps it is time to change the rubber gasket.