I had already sewn 1" x 1/8" into my screen and ripping the pockets open would have been difficult if not impossible (black thread thru black material) so I had to compensate with larger magnets. Using listed pulling force as a general reference number, 1" x 1/8" - 12.6 Lbs. 1" x 1/2" - 54.5 Lbs. 1" x 1" - 61 Lbs., I have 12.6 sticking to 61 for 73.6. If I had used 1" x 1/2" all around I would have had 54.5 sticking to 54.5 for 109. So,,, when considering what I did do against what I should have done 1" x 1/2" is probably the way to go.
Windshield glass really cuts into the magnet strength. Took me three attempts with increasing size magnets to get to the point that I could install the screen consistently. The upper corner has to firmly hold the entire screen while your push the material to the next set of magnets across the up of the windshield. You might be able to get by using smaller magnets other than the upper corner but I wouldn't recommend it. Stick to 1" diameter by 1/2" thick, minimum, all around.