Forum Discussion

JimM68's avatar
Aug 30, 2015

Windshield sunscreen?

I want to rig some exterior magnet mount sunshades.

I'll use this Home depot sunscreen for the side windows, and I have an MCD exterior windshield shade that came with the RV but was never used or mounted.

I bought a 10 pack of 3/8" rare earth magnets from Harbor freight, but way too small to do the job. Searched and saw a couple posts from a fellow DIYer who got his magnets from Amazon but didn't recall exactly which ones.. :h

Looked on Amazon, 30 plus pages of rare earth magnets, ranging from the little one I bought to industrial types with 200 pounds of force?

I'd like to do the windshield with 5, corners and a top middle. Magnets glued to the inside of the windshield. And hooks on the fabric so I can install them from the ground with an awning rod.

Other windows the magnets will glue to the frames, on the outside. The little ones I have may work there?

Any good guess or real experience on how many pound force magnets it will take to pull thru the windshield and hold that sunscreen on?
  • Sounds like you're building exactly what Magneshade has had for some time. We have Magne shades for our MH, and they are great. Provide great shade and shield out a lot of heat from the sun, yet you can still see out it very clearly. Very easy to put up and take down, too.

    Sorry, I can't really provide you any advice on what kind of magnets to get, except to say that the ones Magneshade uses for same purpose you are talking about, they are REALLY strong. When initially installing the magnets inside, you have to be very careful, as they can pinch and hurt you.

    I'd look at what a Magneshade will cost for your MH. Yes, they are not cheap, but depending on what magnets you buy, you may end up spending close to same amount doing this yourself vs buying some from Magneshade.
  • Any idea what strength magnets work?
    I'd hate to hang myself from my awning rod the first time I tried to remove them!

    Good tip on the velcro...
    but 2 pieces of velcro will add 1/8" between the 2 magnets so they need to be a lil stronger.
  • I looked at doing this.. I believe i read the instructions on another forum. The magnets were over $100, plus material cost, plus your time. One thing, dont glue the magnets directly to the glass. Glue Velcro to the glass, then velcro to the magnets, that allows for heat expansion.. I finally bought the shade that attaches Inside with suction cups.. I like it, so easy to install..