Forum Discussion

Old_Blue's avatar
May 11, 2015

windshield washer motor

I have a 2007 Holiday Rambler Neptune and for some reason the windshield washer just does not work. First I saw that the
wires had come unhooked, took care of that, than still nothing.
With the washer switch on, there is 12volt to washer, then unhooked
rubber tube near front nothing no fluid, so maybe the motor is
shot,,so is it easy to remove motor and replace?? Is the motor
something that AutoZone or NAPA would have? any help would be
greatful for..

  • Well it came out easy, looks like water got into the motor, some way, and it is toasted,,,
    will have a new motor tomorrow,,,,thanks for the reply

  • yes, the pump should be simple. You could probably even find one on Ebay that is inexpensive.
  • Bill,

    Little washer pumps are easily gotten.
    Have someone hit the switch while you listen. If you can hear it run and nothing happens, it probably got run dry and it is toast.
    Just be sure to check that what you have is getting power.
    Check the hose to it before you go to far, because if it is cracked, the pump will suck air and self-destruct in short order.
