I would suspect Earnie’s knowledge is based on the early Winnebago Fuse. Winnebago has recently addressed these issues with their latest 2018.5 model. They have reshaped the rear for more clearance, added more suspension spring to the rear axle, changed out the earlier standard 3-way refrigerator to a compressor refrigerator that runs off the 12V system, added additional solar charge capacity (200W), and a bunch of other things.
I know of dozens of Fuse owners who are quite pleased with their new RVs, including myself. It seems to me that the 23A is the more popular floor plan. I suggest anyone considering getting a Fuse join the Facebook Winnebago Fuse Owners Group. I would also suggest checking out the blog, http://confusedrv.blogspot.com/p/fuse-fixes.html
I’d also like to add that is not only immensely easier to find a Ford service location for the Fuse diesel compared to finding a Mercedes engine service location......especially if you are out in the boondocks......and Ford service is substantially cheaper than a Mercedes shop!