Forum Discussion

tdgulfstream's avatar
Dec 01, 2016

winnie vs. holiday rambler

ok folks,lets see the what people think. I have 2 options, 1 is a
01 Holiday Rambler Ambassador, 34 ft. diesel , stored inside ,
55,000 miles, separate pooper, good condition ,, or
02 Winnie Journey 32' diesel, stored inside, 34,000 miles , pooper
in shower area, good condition, journey is a few thousand dollars more, not gonna say how much each are. no need to discuss dollars, they're in an acceptable price range, different parts of U.S. seem to vary in prices. Anyway, is there a big difference in quality or am I thinking to hard? Thanks
  • Mile High wrote:
    "pooper"? Serious?

    Yeah . . . I thought the same thing. Certainly does not portray the original poster in much of a positive manner to me . . . just plain crude . . . .
  • tdgulfstream wrote:
    ok folks,lets see the what people think. I have 2 options, 1 is a
    01 Holiday Rambler Ambassador, 34 ft. diesel , stored inside ,
    55,000 miles, separate pooper, good condition ,, or
    02 Winnie Journey 32' diesel, stored inside, 34,000 miles , pooper
    in shower area, good condition, journey is a few thousand dollars more, not gonna say how much each are. no need to discuss dollars, they're in an acceptable price range, different parts of U.S. seem to vary in prices. Anyway, is there a big difference in quality or am I thinking to hard? Thanks

    I think you may be thinking too hard. Both coaches are nearly 15 years old. The type of care and preventative maintenance they got over those 15 years is going to have a huge impact on your experience regardless of which one you decide upon.
  • Especially when motor homes get older, I think what service they will provide is very unpredictable regardless of make. I can tell you that my son just got rid of 2002 gas Holiday Rambler Class A and we have a Winnebago(Itasca) 2002 Class C. Although his looked to be in good condition and very nice with not too many miles from the day he bought it used, it really was constant trouble. He said, it costs me $1000 every time I take it in and that was several times per year. Our Itasca seems less troublesome, though we have spent plenty. Our issues seem more like "normal" wear than most of his. For example, just replaced the original awning fabric and dump tank valves(over $800). He had lots of leaks, etc.
  • I lean HR on this one just from the laminate use on the exterior. Both are good coaches though.
  • Back in '01 HR was building some of the very best, high quality MHs on the market

    exactly why a 2001 HR is far far superior to a run of the mill 2002 winnie
  • usersmanual wrote:
    tdgulfstream wrote:
    ok folks,lets see the what people think. I have 2 options, 1 is a
    01 Holiday Rambler Ambassador, 34 ft. diesel , stored inside ,
    55,000 miles, separate pooper, good condition ,, or
    02 Winnie Journey 32' diesel, stored inside, 34,000 miles , pooper
    in shower area, good condition, journey is a few thousand dollars more, not gonna say how much each are. no need to discuss dollars, they're in an acceptable price range, different parts of U.S. seem to vary in prices. Anyway, is there a big difference in quality or am I thinking to hard? Thanks

    Holiday Rambler hands down a far superior DPMH in those years

    I would agree with this.

    I'll also add...

    The Winnie is laminated, and therefore is susceptible to delamination. Also take a read around the forum, just today another "the roof blew off my Winnie" post came along.

    The HR uses a hung wall building method - it simply cannot delaminate.

    Back in '01 HR was building some of the very best, high quality MHs on the market.
  • usersmanual wrote:
    tdgulfstream wrote:
    ok folks,lets see the what people think. I have 2 options, 1 is a
    01 Holiday Rambler Ambassador, 34 ft. diesel , stored inside ,
    55,000 miles, separate pooper, good condition ,, or
    02 Winnie Journey 32' diesel, stored inside, 34,000 miles , pooper
    in shower area, good condition, journey is a few thousand dollars more, not gonna say how much each are. no need to discuss dollars, they're in an acceptable price range, different parts of U.S. seem to vary in prices. Anyway, is there a big difference in quality or am I thinking to hard? Thanks

    Holiday Rambler hands down a far superior DPMH in those years

    Totally disagree
  • tdgulfstream wrote:
    ok folks,lets see the what people think. I have 2 options, 1 is a
    01 Holiday Rambler Ambassador, 34 ft. diesel , stored inside ,
    55,000 miles, separate pooper, good condition ,, or
    02 Winnie Journey 32' diesel, stored inside, 34,000 miles , pooper
    in shower area, good condition, journey is a few thousand dollars more, not gonna say how much each are. no need to discuss dollars, they're in an acceptable price range, different parts of U.S. seem to vary in prices. Anyway, is there a big difference in quality or am I thinking to hard? Thanks

    Holiday Rambler hands down a far superior DPMH in those years
  • In my humble opinion it's a toss up! Both are very good coaches built in those years!