Forum Discussion

JAXFL's avatar
Nov 18, 2014


Got to go home to night a winterize the MH in Northeast Florida... this is crazy... normally I just close the roof vents, but I guess I have to drain the water heater and turn the heat on tonight.
  • Just south of you in Palm Coast it will not freeze as lowest is around 36F. Then a warm up is headed in for a while until next cold front. You need 28F for 4 hours to have a hard freeze where plants and grass dies out at surface. There is frost all the way to Miami sometimes, with Key West having the lowest recorded temp of 45F. My rig is in storage with water lines blown out and in a few weeks I'll put in the non toxic antifreeze into fresh water and drain lines. Always shut off Ice maker by lifting the sensor bar up, and close the hot water so it's bypassed and drain it by opening the top pressure release valve first then open the bottom drain. Al Gore: where's the global heating when we need it!
  • I agree...

    The water heater will never freeze in that short of time and an hour or 2 of cold will not hurt the waterlines. If it is just for a day, let it ride. If more, turn on the water heater and run the furnace around 50 degrees and open any cabinets that have waterlines in them.

    Sorry to hear it is cold in Florida... (can you hear the sarcasm?)

  • Looking at the forecast for Jacksonville over the next few days, I don't think you have any worries. The forecasted low is only 31 degrees for tonight with that happening just before sunrise. It takes several hours of below freezing temps to start water lines to freeze and bust. You can make yourself feel safe by turning the heat on to around 50 and opening the cabinet doors.
  • Since you will only have one night of freezing, why not turn on the electric for the water tank (make sure it has water in it) and put an electic heater inside or use your furnace. Should keep it plenty warm enough for mild freeze.